I was injured by the Covid boosters in 2022, and so I have encountered a good deal of censorship as well as condescending comments from ignorant strangers. Nobody in their right mind would claim that vaccine injuries never happen. Nevertheless, the vaccine-injured are relegated to the realm of “anti-vaxxers”, which causes them to be lumped in with overly religious crackpots, just as those who disagree with the mainstream media’s party line are associated with “conspiracy theorists”.
It took me nine months after the injury to get to a point where I wasn’t blacking out and seeing stars every day, struggling to breathe, and on the brink of a seizure. My pulmonologist told me I should “drink more water” when my blood oxygen levels were 93%. I had to file a fraud claim with my insurance to get this particular medical center to do their job, and I eventually changed providers to have a similar experience of negligence and obfuscation.
I didn’t go to the emergency room for fear of catching Covid. I still deal with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and general autoimmune/autonomic issues, not to mention extreme dietary restrictions. When I finally used a nebulizer, after doctors told me it would “scar my lungs”, I ended up breathing more regularly, and took to reading about vaccine injuries every day for over a year.
I’ve found that several vaccine-injury related Facebook groups have been deleted, and posts or messages linking to scientific journals have been automatically deleted before anyone saw them. I know this from experience, and interacting with dozens of people. I was not even able to log into Instagram or Facebook for about 51 weeks (just short of a year), and it continues to happen periodically.
Password reset codes and any other two factor authentication efforts simply would not arrive. Prior to that, if I did forget my password, I’d be able to use my fingerprint or a video selfie to get back in. That option was not available to me any longer. It does not surprise me that there are now lawsuits in progress over this kind of censorship.
On Reddit, I’d found that “unvaccinated” groups were not apparently suppressed, but certainly those who were vaccine-injured, or “vaccine-long-haulers”, were “quarantined” to a degree that their posts were not visible in searches.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a scientist, but after a long enough time digging around for scientific journals, I found that I could argue for both sides. There simply weren’t enough large-scale systematic reviews or meta-analyses to find a smoking gun. Instead, there are thousands of case studies that can be dismissed by semantic hair-splitting and the ever-so-tedious “correlation doesn’t mean causation” angle. Clinical trials don’t allow much room for long term causation, much less anything else.
I also don’t believe that peer-reviewed scientific literature is as bulletproof as it was once believed to be. For example, “Surgisphere”, A fake company, were able to get wildly incorrect studies about the “dangers” of a known remedy for COVID published in Lancet, a well-regarded scientific journal.
I’m also not a virus-denier or an anti-masker, and whether or not vaccines work is a moot point if they are injuring too many people. I do generally agree with much of what has been claimed by so-called “anti-vaxxers” RFK, Jr., Dr. Robert McCullough, Steve Kirsch, and others, but I’ve occasionally found that I either disagreed with their interpretation of literature, or I think they have thrown the baby out with the bathwater by muddying it with tangential arguments, such as the specious idea that masks don’t help at all in preventing the spread of a virus.
Speculation, like neglecting to consider Covid infections, can be an overlooked factor in the assessment of deaths that occurred after vaccination, for example. There are good reasons for some scientific articles to be retracted, but in other cases, I didn’t see why any of the literature was dismissed.
This is why I tend to lean towards the work of Aaron Siri, an attorney with apparent experience interpreting scientific literature since before law school. You won’t find his name in a search of Wikipedia, but here is some info on him. It’s not that I don’t inherently distrust lawyers. I do, however, often tend to gravitate towards information that has been acquired under oath, as well as that which has been revealed due to the Freedom of Information Act.
I can appreciate that this information was retrieved tooth-and-claw from the CDC, the FDA, and the pharmaceutical companies themselves, who inarguably have the FDA in their pockets. After first trying to redact so much of the files that nothing truly scientific could be gleaned from it, or trying to get the court to allow them 75 years before anything would be made public, there is now indisputable evidence that the Covid vaccines did much more harm than good.
Siri, like RFK, Jr. and others, are not necessarily “anti-vaxxers”, they simply want pharmaceutical companies to be held accountable. Not only are these massive corporate entities immune to lawsuits, they are also allowed even more negligence by pushing out poorly researched vaccines under the “PREP Act” under the auspices of an emergency. These are companies that have been sued for billions of dollars outside of vaccines, and have gone through a great deal of effort to suppress info about the egregious harm associated with Chantix or Gabapentin, but people are expected to trust them to be ethical when there are even less consequences to their obvious and flagrant criminal negligence. It is supposed to be their duty to safely research and distribute vaccines. This is clearly not what went down.
“I just want to make this clear. I don’t want to take vaccines away from people. I don’t want to impose my choices on the American public. If vaccines are working for you, you ought to be able to get them. And I’ll make sure that happens. But people should have informed choice. So they should have good science that tells them the cost and the benefits of these products, particularly since they’re being ordered to use them.” “76 million kids a year are required to use them. and they’re healthy children.
So it’s the only medical product that’s given to healthy people. You want a product like that to be extra solid, to make sure there’s no risk, because you can take, you know, there’s certain risks that you’ll take if you’re sick to get better. Of course. But if you’re not sick, and you shouldn’t be required to take a product unless it is iron-clad, unless you know what the… you know, what all the costs and benefits are.” “And the problem with vaccines is that they were originally introduced by the Public Health Service, which is one of the five military services. That’s why there’s a surgeon general. And the Public Health Service introduced them and pushed them as a national security defense against biological attacks on our country.
So they wanted to make sure that if the Russians attacked us with anthrax with some other biological agent They could quickly formulate a vaccine and then deploy it to 220 million American civilians without regulatory impediments.”
“A normal Medical product takes about eight years to get to market because it has to go through double-blind placebo controlled trials And you need to see long-term effects. There are many effects On every medical product that have long diagnostic horizons long incubation periods They didn’t want to go through that because they said it’s going to be a national emergency.
So instead of calling it a medicine, we’re going to call it a biologic and we’re going to exempt biologics from pre-licensing safety studies.” “So there’s no vaccine on that schedule, that 72 vaccines, that has ever gone through a pre-licensing safety study placebo-controlled trial against a real placebo. And that’s wrong because that means that nobody knows what the risk profiles are on these products. And nobody can tell you whether that product is averting more problems than it’s causing.”
“And what I will do, you know, if I’m given this job in the White House, is I’ll make sure that those studies get done, that there are people on the panels that approve these products that are not loaded with conflicts of interest. So it’s real science. disinterested people and that doctors and patients and Americans know exactly what the costs and benefits of every vaccine are and can make a rational decision.”…
…“The thing that people have to understand is that the four companies that make all 72 of those vaccines, which is Pfizer, Glaxo, Merck and Sanofi. All of those companies are convicted felons. And not only that, they’re serial felons. Their business model is committing felonies.” “These companies in the last 10 years collectively, have paid $35 billion in penalties, damages, fines for falsifying science, for defrauding regulators, lying to doctors, and for killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Vioxx, which was Merck’s flagship product, killed between 120,000 and 500,000 Americans. This was a pill. And Merck was selling as a headache pill.” “And Merck knew, caused heart attacks and killed people. And they didn’t tell anybody. And they knew a certain, you know, we got the spreadsheets that showed there being counters, their accountants. And this is, you’re gonna kill so many people per dose. We can still make more money, even if they all sue us. And in the end, they killed, you know, up to half a million Americans. And they got away with it.” “They paid $7 billion in fines. Nobody went to jail. And this is, you know. They probably made $100 million in profits. Yeah.
So this is a company, these, it requires kind of a cognitive dissonance to believe that these companies that are lying and cheating on every other pharmaceutical product, every other medical device that they create, are somehow found Jesus vaccines and aren’t lying to us.” “And the thing is with vaccines, vaccines are the only place they could never get caught because it’s illegal in this country to sue a vaccine company. So Congress passed a law in 1986 that said no matter how negligent that company is, no matter how malicious they are, no matter how toxic the product, you no matter how grievous or injury you cannot sue them.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
This situation is not unique to Covid vaccines. Since at least 1986, vaccine manufacturers have been given free reign to harm perfectly healthy people with impunity. However, the tides may be turning, as The House Committee On Oversight And Accountability published a 520 page report earlier this month, which included the Covid vaccines.
Although they seemed to contradict themselves in stating that the Covid vaccines “saved millions of lives” while also clearly stating that the VAERS database was flagrantly mismanaged (with no truly quantifiable answer as to how many lives were saved vs. unsaved), they ultimately concluded that vaccine mandates were not supported by science:
COVID-19 VACCINE: Contrary to what was promised, the COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.
RUSHED COVID-19 VACCINE APPROVAL: The FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to meet the Biden Administration’s arbitrary mandate timeline. Two leading FDA scientists warned their colleagues about the dangers of rushing the vaccine approval process and the likelihood of adverse events. They were ignored, and days later, the Biden Administration mandated the vaccine.
VACCINE MANDATES: Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and caused more harm than good. The Biden Administration coerced healthy Americans into compliance with COVID-19 vaccine mandates that trampled individual freedoms, harmed military readiness, and disregarded medical freedom to force a novel vaccine on millions of Americans without sufficient evidence to support their policy decisions.
NATURAL IMMUNITY: Public health officials engaged in a coordinated effort to ignore natural immunity — which is acquired through previous COVID-19 infection — when developing vaccine guidance and mandates.
VACCINE INJURY REPORTING SYSTEM: Vaccine injury reporting systems created confusion, failed to properly inform the American public about vaccine injuries, and deteriorated public trust in vaccine safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
VACCINE INJURY COMPENSATION: The government is failing to efficiently, fairly, and transparently adjudicate claims for the COVID-19 vaccine injured.
I can attest to the incompetence of VAERS. I have been told that my injury was not reported, even after sending them my entire medical history. This is partially because my medical providers refused to report the injury for me.
For example, I was diagnosed with POTS, but when I told them at the Long Covid clinic that my symptoms occurred shortly after the injection, the doctors rescinded their diagnosis. It may be a misconception that simply reporting an injury to VAERS is enough for that data to be considered, at least in my experience. I played phone tag for a couple of years before the people at VAERS stopped returning my calls.
Nevertheless, I have no reason to believe that the site How Bad Is My Batch? is doing anything other than interpreting VAERS data based on batch numbers. I’m not claiming to know how many doses come in each batch, but I think that anyone in their right mind can agree there are probably too many deaths, hospitalizations, and adverse events for comfort, much less the alleged “risk/benefit” ratio, or the concept of “protection”. Prior to the pandemic, it has been said that 150 deaths after vaccination per year were reported. For Covid vaccines, and with the VAERS database being unable to account for all of it, there are currently over 37,000 deaths that have been reported after Covid vaccinations.
On top of that, the FDA themselves admitted that the vaccines were not even tested to prevent transmission. Because VAERS is so impenetrable, we can assume that these numbers would likely be much higher, especially if doctors didn’t have the incentive to avoid reporting vaccine injuries. Doctors received significant kickbacks for pushing vaccines onto people, so any “vaccine hesitancy” would affect their pocketbooks.
As Aaron Siri has uncovered, the FDA is clearly in bed with the pharmaceutical companies, and through the FDA, vaccine injuries were dismissed as coincidences, up to and including during the clinical trials. Siri has been defending people who were injured during clinical trials under contract law, since the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is beyond draconian, and is not even connected to the American judicial system.
People who were paralyzed or put into a coma after vaccination during the clinical trials were denied the care that they were promised in the event of a vaccine-injury. People who died after the first injection were eventually considered an “unvaccinated” death. People who were injured after the first injection were also considered unvaccinated “drop outs”, because they didn’t make it to the second injection, which is what constituted a “full vaccination”.
One can only speculate how much of the info on “turbo cancers” have been suppressed in this context, along with any other illness that doesn’t come about immediately. There is also the obvious concern with “DNA impurities” exceeding the permitted limit, sometimes by as much as five hundred times. I’ve read the “anti-vax playbook”, and I’ll still opt for avoiding illegal amounts of lipid nanoparticles being injected into me again, not to mention vaccines that are rarely tested with a true placebo control group.
A writer named Naomi Wolf, along with a team of volunteers, has compiled two books which attempt to break down the hundreds of thousands of pages of FOIA data that was retrieved by Aaron Siri. The Pfizer Papers book is out now, with The Moderna Papers coming next year. These are not conspiracy theories, this is deep politics. The people who still prattle on about “safe and effective” this and “trust the science” that are the true flat-earthers and lunatics in this case, it just so happens that they are the majority, and not the fringe group.
To date, according to a year-long study by Canadian scientists, about 17 million people worldwide have died from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. From the vaccines! Worldwide, seven million died from COVID-19; 1.2 million of those in the U.S.
Wolf and the “Pfizer Papers” document how the negative effects of the vaccines are continuing to be felt today. Altogether, 270 million Americans received the vaccines, but the adverse reactions are far, far beyond normally accepted levels. The Pfizer vaccine has injured and maimed tens of millions of Americans. Cancer in women in their 40s and male athletes in their 20s and 30s are at alarmingly high and puzzling levels. Scores of women are suffering reproductive maladies and miscarriages. Children not yet teens are experiencing inexplicable and debilitating illnesses…
…We learned that Pfizer knew within three months after rollout in December 2020 that the vaccines did not work to stop COVID. Pfizer’s language was “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy.” One of the most common “adverse events” in the Pfizer documents is “COVID.”
Pfizer knew that the vaccine materials — lipid nanoparticles, an industrial fat, coated in polyethylene glycol, a petroleum byproduct; mRNA; and spike protein — did not remain in the deltoid muscle, as claimed by all spokespeople. Rather, it dispersed throughout the body in 48 hours “like a shotgun blast,” as one of the authors, Dr. Robert Chandler, put it; it crossed every membrane in the human body — including the blood-brain barrier — and accumulated in the liver, adrenals, spleen, brain and, if one is a woman, in the ovaries.
Dr. Chandler saw no mechanism whereby those materials leave the body, so every injection appears to pack more such materials into organs.
Pfizer hired 2,400 full-time staffers to help process “the large increase of adverse event reports” being submitted to the company’s Worldwide Safety database.
Pfizer knew by April 2021 that the injections damaged the hearts of young people.
Pfizer knew by Feb. 28, 2021 — just 90 days after the public rollout of their COVID vaccine — that its injection was linked to a myriad of adverse events.
We are about to see the same thing happen again with viruses that came about as the result of gain-of-function research, and the Bird Flu clinical trials only lasted for 5 days, with around a 3% rate of serious adverse events. I won’t be taking that shot. It is not about Democrats vs. Republicans. Injuries do not have an inherent political leaning, and neither does hard data. Hopefully people will be better at avoiding viruses than they are at avoiding the data on vaccine injuries.