I’ll watch any Bill Murray movie once. This one I had no feelings for. I did laugh once. I’ll give it that. I liked to study the mechanics of a good movie more than fall into it, in this particular case. I could tell it was a good movie, although a tad unrealistic pretty much the whole time. Still, I observed a good movie. I observed that it could be interpreted as a good ending by people that don’t hate Indie Rock, and I did observe a subtle but poignant criticism of the male gaze, which in the 90s was less likely. A little too feel good/ Saved By The Bell vibes, but I’ll take it. I admired the people who wrote the plot more than I admired the plot itself. I didn’t mind watching it, although I felt nothing. I won’t remember much of it tomorrow. Remind me that I’ve seen it already so I don’t have to see it again.