Arvo Zylo
3 min readDec 10, 2020


Great writing, although for me it obfuscates more than it illuminates. I'm not sure if that is intentional or not.

Surely, you'd know a thing or two about Crowley's "Lesser Internals" and different levels of possession. It's not all spinning heads and projectile vomit.

Also, I thought Aquino was removed from the Church of Satan because of his actual belief in the occult. That was part of an official statement from the Church of Satan not long ago. LaVey stated that one should speak honestly of their magic, or they will lose it, but he also ended up denying the supernatural frequently, despite also having bragged of successful curses, among other things.

I don't speak as an outlier in this department, and the idea of throwing curses impulsively is something that you conveniently and frequently ignore with regard to LaVey's work, despite your apparently contradictory claim in other writing, that one will "become what they don't forgive".

This is one element of LaVey's Barnumesque obfuscation that I can no longer tolerate, and I think his writings would be better summed up as a handbook for "what to do if you're starved for attention". I also think his "personality clock" is a testament to his contempt for people and their gullibility, as it deals in vagaries that are of no use outside of identifying alphas and making gross generalizations everywhere else. People praise this narcissistic lifestyle as a philosophy without taking into account how dysfunctional it was.

Most of these trust fund kid, pretend aritstocrat “ubermensch” types are horrible at raising children, LaVey was even cursed by his own daughter Zeena, and that should count for something in these little brojob articles about Satanism. It’s not that I think anyone is perfect, but these “might makes right” (you forgot to mention that The Satanic Bible cribbed some from Ragnar Redbeard) types almost always have domestic abuse issues and an unhealthy fondness for 14 year old girls.

Regarding Satanism, and having gone down that rabbit hole, I respectfully find it about as liberating as a “networking event” for tedious, salesy types, and snotty, passive-aggressive, obnoxiously ambitious people who are entirely full of shit and about as authentic as LaVey’s fake King Tut relics. To some degree, I find that you see this sort of manipulative behavior to be charming as a short-sighted cash-grab that muddies your otherwise excellent work as a writer, not to mention your journalistic credibility.

This is not to say that I don't think LaVey was good at magic as well as a lot of other things. I think he did that exceedingly well, but I suspect that some of his better rituals were not shared with anyone (not the rituals he pretended he'd passed down from ancient gypsy relatives in The Satanic Rituals book). I also think it blew up in his face, with all due respect. The Devil’s Notebook was published at a time that he’d been going through a divorce, and declared bankruptcy.

I will say, though, that I don't recommend calling on Baal or Belial for any reason, and especially if you don't know more than what is scantly available in the Satanic Bible. Add that to throwing curses every time you're pissed off and some ill-advised love spells, and you're bound to have different levels of possession, be it internally or externally. Maybe look somewhere other than the Catholic church for more on different levels of possession?

As a truth-seeker, I humbly suggest that "the elephant in the room" is likely being ignored for materialist reasons in this piece. I understand that under some occult disciplines, conquering the material realm is an initiatory process, but I find it nowhere in my soul natural to be a bullshitter, so I guess my lecture where I ignore the history of sacrifices and blood offerings in western occult history is not to be.

Here is an interview I did with someone who was partially possessed/influenced by Astaroth. Feel free to look at it if you want.

If you'd like another idea for an article, I'd suggest one on the nature of materialism as it relates to occult-driven "success". How spirituality ties in with your acceptance of "provocateurs".

Thanks and good luck!



Arvo Zylo
Arvo Zylo

Written by Arvo Zylo

In the past, I have had experience as a full time psychic advisor, palm reader, healer, tarot reader, hypnotherapist, and other odd jobs.

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