Conspiracy Fatigue
With all of the wild theories that are thrown around in America, I’m reminded of some regular things I would look up prior to flat-earth theories and general anti-intellectualism, especially related to the pandemic. When I have worked a number of security related jobs, I’d sometimes be propped in front of security footage that I was supposed to be surveilling, but like many of the employees in that position, it became an unspoken privilege to browse the internet on a computer that wasn’t being used for scanning the perimeter.
I would want to view things that are of interest, but aren’t so weird that supervisors would think it’s too strange, or I wouldn’t want something too involved to be lost after numerous interruptions or distractions. While my co-workers would look up guns on Ebay, I’d look up odd, but somewhat harmless, conspiracy theories. What was most interesting at the time was the series of claims that the music industry is trying to subliminally clue in unsuspecting viewers (or remind those in the know) about some sort of new world order that is inevitably coming. It would apparently be a globalized acceptance of demoralization and programmed sex slaves.
These messages are supposedly disseminated by Lady Gaga, Beyonce (who allegedly killed her drummer’s kitten for “extreme witchcraft” purposes), Britney Spears, Madonna (“the head priestess”) Azealia Banks (and her boiling a dead cat named Lucifer) and the like — All of them are said to be MKULTRA SEX KITTENS for the illuminati elite, a secret clan of billionaires bent on some Luciferian agenda that requires constant use of symbols, particularly (monarch) butterflies, one-eyed magazine covers representing the all-seeing eye of Horus, and of course, every time someone wears the color red, it must represent some sort of sacrificial ritual.
Don’t get me wrong, some of these coincidences do seem pretty uncanny. Certainly Beyonce did choose to make reference to the legendary silent film, Metropolis, which is said to be a blueprint for the coming times, carrying a secret message that only the elite could understand. I just think that it is probably more likely part of a clever marketing scheme (since many of these videos are directed by the same person, Jonas Akerlund) than a serious, thinly-veiled threat about the fate of the world. Either way, I have been, at points in my life, thrilled by the idea of any potentially deep symbolism within the realm of the mainstream, which is in itself an empty vessel where anything rings a bit louder.
A lot of sites (or youtube channels) that try to go about dismantling some deep and revealing secret, they don’t even seem to try to convince the reader. Although not a site I endorse 100%, Vigilant Citizen has been the most comprehensive I’ve seen, but not without its glaring faults. Each person interprets the concept of what the “new world order” will look like, and this writer tends to think in more of the conservative Christian thought-pattern, that gay people are evil, and transgender politics are the work of the devil, part of the demoralization process of the illuminati, etc. In other words, they like just making shit up to suit their agenda. There are often quotes from Fritz Springmeier, a writer (and convicted bank robber) who has a questionable bibliography, to say the absolute least.
I do believe in some conspiracy theories. For example, I might never believe that JFK was assassinated by Oswald no matter how much evidence surfaces, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that several people reportedly hung themselves shortly after investigating and reporting evidence tied to Pedogate. I do think it’s odd that Epstein owned some sort of Egyptian-themed temple dedicated to Poseidon on his own personal island. Obviously, Harvey Weinstein was in good standing with the Clinton family (even the children) and the Obama family, and there were people in high places looking after him, but we’ll probably never know to what extent. Still, the fact that Lady Gaga seems to be portraying Lucifer, the fallen angel, in a video partially filmed at Hearst Castle is noteworthy and kind of fascinating.
I just understand that I could be wrong, because there’s not often going to be a smoking gun situation when investigating things on the internet, and in the meantime, I do occasionally, although less and less, enjoy the possibility of entertainment being strangely elevated to what might be an approximation of high art, or even just really good advertising, or maybe a little from column A and a little from column B. I like junk science and I like intricate conceptual art. Why not have both?